Help us preserve our living legacy for future generations! image

Help us preserve our living legacy for future generations!

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We are fundraising to support our programs and services that benefit Detroit and our global communities!

Our Mission

To improve the lives of people and neighborhoods through art.

Our Vision

We believe a community can re-develop and sustain itself, from the inside out, by embracing its diverse cultures and artistic attributes as the essential building blocks for a fulfilling and economically viable way of life.

Our Core Values

EDUCATE: We uphold the right for all people to access experiential and culturally relevant learning opportunities that create pathways for growth and social well-being.

BRIDGE: Our contribution as stewards of the McDougall-Hunt Neighborhood in Detroit is creating a bridge that extends to our diverse global audiences so that resources and experiences are universally shared and celebrated.

PROVOKE: We continually use our creativity to challenge structures that maintain injustices among all people.

STIMULATE: Our efforts are meant to empower individuals and communities to rise-up amongst adversity and tap into their true creative selves in celebration of their triumphs.